Report: November Parks Board Meeting
November 27, 2023 at 4:06 p.m.

On November 8, 2023, the Logansport Parks & Recreation Board meeting was held. Discussed was the monthly reports, upcoming plans, and visitor comments.
Several “housekeeping” items had to be addressed: An update to the resolution for the golf cart loan, 2024 Parks Board meeting dates, an MOU with Redline Equipment for Christmas In the Park, and the hiring of Annastasia Barringer, as a Full-Time Maintenance Assistant.
The monthly management report was given by the Parks Administrator, Janet Fawley. She also shared the first draft of the Master Plan Update document, and that there are currently 7 goals in the Master Plan for the next five years. These goals are:
- Improve general maintenance and upkeep of all parks department managed properties;
- Provide new amenities and/or facilities documented through the completed surveys;
- Enhance Riverside Park to be a regional destination and to accommodate different programs;
- Promote and educate the public about park programs, people, and issues;
- Enhance program activities for children ages 10-14, families, and senior citizens;
- Repurpose unused pieces of park land to private development or better park uses; and
- Improve connectivity and programming at Dykeman Park Municipal Golf Course.
Jan also shared with the Parks Board that there was a reinspection of the lower Spencer shelter. KJG Architecture reported that they did reinspect the structure and no new damage was discovered beyond what was identified previously. They are currently designing, detailing repairs, and reinforcements to the structure. They are planning to do drawings for Steinberger to get their pricing and get it reviewed by the Building Commissioner. They will probably try to do some repairs over the winter but are planning to have the shelter tentatively back open May 2024.
The Spencer Park sidewalk was supposed to be replaced at the end of October but has been postponed to the end of November.
Spencer Park is also now closed and Christmas in the Park opens on November 24.
Recreation Director, Kara Yax shared that she hosted multiple “Park in a Boxes” during Fall Break. She also noted that Howl at the Moon took place and had a great turnout. Right now, Yax is working on putting together Breakfast with Santa and the Gingerbread House Competition.
Maintenance Superintendent, Kevin Price reported that Christmas in the Park is moving along and the crew has been working diligently on getting everything put together. The crew has also got all the bathrooms closed up. The demolition of dugouts at Muehlhausen Park has also been completed for the Wright Street Bark Park.
The meeting was then opened up to visitors' comments. When opened up, Paul Wilhelm stated that the business community is still pursuing a petition regarding the Iron Horse Museum and how that would impact the Urban Park. The petition has collected almost 1,000 signatures locally. He also mentioned that they would be putting together an alternative proposal for the project that would include a permanent Farmer’s Market.
The next meeting of the Logansport Parks & Recreation Board will be taking place on December 13th 2023. All Parks Board meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Council Chambers in the City Building (located at 601 E. Broadway) @ 5:30 pm.
Questions may be directed to the Parks Administrator at 753-6969 or email to