The Wright Street Bark Park is now officially open as of May 16 th , 2024. The entrance is located at 1900 Wright Street, the southwest corner of Muehlhausen (Tower) Park. We welcome dogs that are well-mannered, friendly, & non-aggressive, on a leash, and up-to-date on vaccines.
Scooping is required!
If you are one of the 50% of Logansport homes that has a dog, this is a great place for you to let your dog run off-leash. You and your dog will appreciate the outdoor open space, and as well as the opportunity to meet others with similar interests and concerns regarding the conditions in which our canine friends live.

Wright Street Bark Park
This dog park is not supervised.
Any use of this facility is at your own risk.
Only persons with canines may be inside the fenced-in area.
The City of Logansport, its employees and sponsors are not responsible
for any damage, accidents or injuries. All participants are responsible
for knowing and obeying the rules. Bringing canines into an open area
can be a dangerous activity that entails known and unknown risks,
which could result in physical or emotional injury
to yourself, your dog, other canines, or to third parties.
In the event of an emergency, Call 9-1-1

Basic rules are as follows:
- Wright Street Bark Park shall be open from 6 am to 10 p.m.
- Anyone entering the Wright Street Bark Park, including observers and dog owners assume all risk related to the use of the Wright Street Bark Park. Dog owners are liable for damage or injury inflicted to, and/or by their dogs.
- The following canines are prohibited from using the dog park:
- Observers without canines and children 10 and under shall not be allowed inside the fenced area.
- Dogs are required to wear a collar to display their up-to-date rabies vaccination tags at all times.
- Each adult may have a maximum of 3 dogs at a time in the park.
- Small dog area is for animals under 40 lbs. only. Small dogs may play in the large dog area at their own risk, but it is not recommended.
- Owners must have a visible leash at all times. Dogs must remain on-leash while entering and exiting the designated area inside the double-gated entry. Do not use retractable leashes, as they can get wrapped around dogs or people and cause serious injury.
- Owners are required to stay inside the fence with their canine, and shall maintain sight and voice control of their canine at all times. Dogs may NOT be left unattended at any time.
- Users of the bark park will be required to keep litter and dog waste picked up at all times. Owners are responsible for removal and disposal of waste from their own pets. Users are encouraged to utilize the dog waste station and the scoopers located at the entrance of the Wright Street Bark Park.
- Owners shall repair any damage done inside the fence by their dog (i.e., holes dug by the dog).
- No food (dog or human) or drink is allowed in the dog park. (Food or treats can trigger aggressive behavior between dogs)
- Owners waive the City of Logansport’s liability for any injury or damage caused to, or by pets during any time while using the park.
a Animals other than dogs.
b. Dogs under six (6) months of age.
c. Female dogs in heat.
d. Dogs which exhibit aggressive or dangerous behavior.
The Wright Street Bark Park will be closed regularly on Tuesday mornings to take care of
mowing and other maintenance issues. However, the Logansport Parks reserve the right to
close the Wright Street Bark Park without prior notice due to weather or maintenance issues.
Call the Parks office with maintenance concerns at 574-753-6969.